The Lenox Housing Authority (“LHA”) is committed to ensuring equal access to its programs and services by all residents, regardless of primary language spoken.
Pursuant to 760 CMR 4.02(1)(e), Massachusetts Local Housing Authorities must adopt and enforce a Language Access Plan (“LAP”) regardless of whether they receive federal funds. DHCD has provided “DHCD LAP Guidance to Program Administering Entities” as an appendix to its Language Access Plan, most recently in 2017.[1]
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VI”) also requires recipients of federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs and services by individuals with Limited English Proficiency (“LEP”). Persons who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, or understand English may be considered LEP individuals. Such reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access include language access planning.
On January 22, 2007, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) issued Final Guidance to recipients of HUD funding concerning compliance with the Title VI prohibition against national origin discrimination affecting LEP individuals, including detailed guidance for language access planning.[2]
Furthermore, HUD’s Final Guidance defines a four-factor self-assessment method which assists agencies receiving HUD funds in determining the extent of their obligations to provide LEP services. DHCD, in its “DHCD LAP Guidance to Program Administering Entities,” has encouraged LHAs to utilize this four-factor self-assessment method regardless of whether they receive HUD funds. Based on the DHCD and HUD guidance, the LHA has completed an LEP four-factor self-assessment (“Attachment A”).
Using the LEP self-assessment as a guide, the LHA has prepared this LAP, which defines the actions to be taken by the LHA to ensure LHA compliance with Title VI and/or DHCD requirements with respect to LEP individuals. The LHA will periodically review and update this LAP in order to ensure continued responsiveness to community needs and compliance with 760 CMR 4.02(1)(e), as well as Title VI and related HUD guidance as applicable.
The goals of the LHA’s LAP include:
· To ensure meaningful access to the Lenox Housing Authority’s housing programs by all eligible individuals regardless of primary language spoken.
· To ensure that all LEP individuals are made aware that the LHA will provide free oral interpretation services to facilitate their contacts with and participation in programs administered by the LHA.
· To provide written translations of vital documents to LEP individuals speaking priority languages.
· To ensure that LHA staff are aware of available language access services and how these services need to be used when serving LEP individuals.
· To provide for periodic review and updating of this LAP and services in accordance with community needs.
See “Attachment A” for data analysis of LEP populations.
Most contacts between the LHA and LEP individuals involve meetings, written communications and phone calls where information is exchanged. Examples include interactions by applicants with LHA staff during the application process leading up to and including placement in housing, as well as periodic contact between residents and LHA staff related to management, maintenance and lease compliance issues. Oral language assistance services may be needed for these contacts. Oral language assistance service may come in the form of "in-language" communication (a demonstrably qualified bilingual staff member communicating directly in an LEP person's language) or interpretation services. These services may also be necessary to communicate with LEP individuals when written materials are insufficient.
Other contacts involve the exchange and review of printed materials, some of which may be considered “vital documents”. HUD’s Final Guidance defines vital documents as, “any document that is critical for ensuring meaningful access to the recipients’ major activities and programs by beneficiaries generally and LEP individuals specifically”. The LHA will strive to provide translation services as necessary and as resources permit for any document considered vital for an applicant’s, tenant’s, or participant’s meaningful program access as provided in section V.B below (“Written Translation”).
To promote equal access to LHA programs and services by LEP individuals, the LHA will implement the following array of Language Access services:
A. Identification of LEP Individuals and Notices
Use of “I Speak... Language Identification Flashcards”: To help identify LEP individuals and determine the appropriate Language Access, the LHA will post and make available “I Speak... Language Identification Flashcards” in common areas, on its website, and by request. Applicants and residents can use these guides to indicate their primary language. During the tenant selection screening process, LHA staff will make appropriate arrangements for interpretation services generally; using either a bilingual staff person or a telephone interpretation service.[3]
Notices of Oral interpretation Services: Subject to budget constraints and in consideration of the four-factor self-assessment described on Attachment A, the LHA will provide free access to language assistance for staff contact with LEP individuals. The LHA will prominently post multi-language notices in common areas and on its website which indicate that free language assistance is available upon request (see “Attachment B”). The LHA will also gather data on requests for language assistance by language to inform its four-factor self-assessment.
B. Language Access Measures
Oral Interpretation - Staff: When feasible, bilingual LHA staff will be utilized to communicate with LEP individuals in their native languages and to assist them in reviewing LHA materials, answering questions about LHA programs, and responding to LHA forms and information requests. Currently, LHA employs no staff members who speak another language.
Oral Interpretation - Telephone Support: Subject to budget constraints and in consideration of the four-factor self-assessment described on Attachment A , if qualified bilingual LHA staff are unavailable to communicate with an LEP individual who is requesting assistance, the LHA will use the services of a professional telephone interpretation service, including when an LEP individual uses an “I Speak... Language Identification Flashcard” to signify that they speak a non-English language. When these contacts involve review of LHA forms and procedures, the LHA will schedule the call so that the telephonic interpreter has the opportunity to first review the relevant form or procedure. The LHA will only utilize interpretation services which demonstrate a high degree of training and professionalization among the interpreter staff. The LHA will utilize a service which provides trained and certified interpreters and coverage for a multitude of languages. LHA staff will be trained in how to access this service, which will be available as needed for LEP applicants and residents.
Oral Interpretation - In Person Assistance: Subject to budget constraints and in consideration of the four-factor self-assessment described on Attachment A , in limited instances where telephone interpretation services or the use of bilingual LHA staff are determined insufficient to ensure meaningful access, the LHA may provide qualified in-person interpretation services at no cost to the LEP individual through the use of community resources and/or outside organizations or vendors who employ or contract with qualified and trained interpreters. Examples of contacts where in person assistance may be requested includes termination hearings and evictions. Due to the considerable expense often involved in providing in person assistance, unless in-person interpretation is available at low cost through community resources, the LHA will generally strive to use telephonic assistance, as resources permit. If the LEP individual does not wish to use the free interpretation services offered by the LHA, the LEP individual may provide their own qualified interpreters at their own expense.
Oral Interpretation - Use of Other Interpreters not provided by the LHA: As noted above, LEP individuals will be informed that the LHA will provide them with free access to oral interpretation services via bilingual LHA staff or qualified, trained contractors as needed. If the LEP individual requests their own qualified, trained interpreter this will be allowed at the individual’s own expense. Use of family members and friends as interpreters is allowed. Staff will be advised to be alert to the potential for any conflict of interest or competency issue that may arise from the involvement of family or friends.
Written Translation: The LHA will strive to translate documents that are vital to meaningful program access as resources permit and in consideration of the four-factor-self-assessment referenced in Attachment A and applicable HUD guidance.[4]Priority languages for translation are identified in Attachment A. Vital documents are those that are critical for ensuring meaningful access to the LHA’s major activities and programs by beneficiaries generally and LEP persons specifically. Meaningful program access generally requires awareness of, and ability to participate in, procedures for applying to the program, for meeting the requirements of the program, and for enjoying important benefits of the program. Meaningful program access also requires awareness of rights and services; otherwise, LEP persons may effectively be denied such access.
Written or “vital documents” include:
· Application-related documents
· Lease-related documents
· Rent-redetermination related documents
· Consent and complaint forms
· Written standard notices of rights, denial, loss, or decreases in benefits or services, and other notices relating to hearings/conferences/grievances
· Notice to quit and eviction-related documents
· Note on timing-related rights:A person with LEP will not be penalized or denied meaningful and effective access because of an administering entity’s inability to provide timely translation or interpretation services. This would include allowing additional time for translation and/or interpretation without impacting an applicant’s position on the LHA waitlist.
· Review and updating: The LHA will periodically review and update the list of vital documents to reflect those documents which are considered vital to applicants and/or residents, and will also track existing translated documents that need to be updated for consistency with updated English-language documents.
C. Staff Training and Coordination
The LHA will provide training on LEP awareness and required assistance actions under the Language Access Plan for employees. This will include:
Training: The LHA will make reasonable efforts to avail its staff and employees of any available trainings on Language Access. LHA employees and staff who regularly interact with LHA clients will be encouraged to complete periodic refresher trainings on Language Access.
LEP Coordinator: The LHA has designated the Executive Director as the LEP Coordinator, responsible for ongoing updating of LEP analysis, addressing staff and public questions and issue related to LEP matters, and providing ongoing LEP training.
D. Providing Notice to LEP Individuals
To ensure that LEP individuals are aware of the language services available to them, the LHA will post LEP notices in multiple languages in the LHA’s common areas, on the LHA’s website, and will make LEP notices available upon request.
E. Monitoring and updating the Language Access Plan
The LAP will be reviewed and updated periodically as needed. The review will assess:
· Whether there have been any significant changes in the composition or language needs of the LEP-population in Berkshire County and/or based on LHA data;
· A review to determine if additional vital documents require translation;
· A review of any issues or problems related to serving LEP individuals which may have emerged; and
· Identification of any recommended actions to provide more responsive and effective language services.
Adopted by the Board of the LENOX HOUSING AUTHORITY
on: ________________________________________
Attachment A: LHA’s Four Factor Self-Assessment Analysis Regarding LEP Individuals
Attachment B: Language Assistance Protocols
Attachment C: Important Document Notice
Attachment D: Legal Notice Translation
Attachment A: LHA’s Four-Factor Self-Assessment Analysis Regarding Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals
1. Assessing the number and proportion of LEP individuals served or encountered in the eligible service population.
Data estimates are based on the following data sources:
(a). Census data at the County level (for estimating potential LEP applicants encountered by the LHA):
See data graph (attached) compiled by the Department of Housing and Community Development] of citizens of Berkshire County aged 5 years and over for which English is spoken “less than very well.”
Spanish 1.24% Chinese .15%
French .06% Korean .02%
Italian .08% Cambodian .07%
Portuguese .04% Vietnamese .04%
German .05% Arabic .04%
Russian .11% Hebrew .01%
Polish .04%
(b). Municipal Data [For use only where the % of LEP population speaking the language in the City/Town is greater than the percentage for the County]:
(c). Applicant data (e.g., data on CHAMP application languages for estimating applicant LEP population served):
(d). Tenant data (e.g., data on primary languages and communication preferences by language for estimating tenant LEP population served):
One elderly couple speaks Russian as primary language. The LHA communicates with their son, who speaks English and lives locally.
The mother in one family speaks Spanish as primary language. She can speak English. Her children speak fluent English. The LHA is able to communicate with her.
(e). Other (e.g., data on telephonic or in-person interpretation usage by language, data from surveying other organizations serving LEP persons in the LHA’s region)
Based on the above data sources, the following languages are priority languages for translation, in descending order of priority for translation [Spanish must be included]:
Spanish, Russian
2. Assessing the frequency with which LEP individuals come into contact with the program, activity, or service.
The LHA rarely has an LEP individual needing assistance for our programs. The LHA currently has 1 elderly couple needing assistance.
3. Assessing the nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the program.
When needed, it is important for the LHA to have services in place for an LEP individual. The LHA will provide services as needed.
4. Assessing the resources (e.g., translation services, bilingual staff, community resources, etc.) available to the LHA and costs.
The LHA will use I Speak Flashcards to determine what language the LEP individual speaks. The LHA will use Mediona Language Services as needed, local high school language teachers, local colleges and local church organizations.
Attachment B: Language Assistance Protocols
Identifying Need for Language Assistance:
Persons with LEP will often be able to convey, including through third parties, their need for language assistance, although in some instances one or more of the following steps may be necessary to identify the language and the nature of the assistance sought.
1) Utilize “I-Speak cards” where walk-ins occur to identify what language the person reads or speaks. I-Speak cards are available at the following website: https://www.lep.gov/sites/lep/files/media/document/2020-02/crcl-i-speak-booklet.pdf.
2) Consult available LHA staff who can provide initial support in identifying languages and assistance needed by persons with LEP that come into direct contact with the LHA in person, by telephone, or in writing.
3) Utilize LHA’s over-the-phone telephonic services account with Mediona Language Services.
4) LHA will utilize members of the community as needed. This includes high school language teachers, college staff and area church organizations.
Note: Persons with LEP must not be turned away or told that they must secure their own interpreter or translator. Language assistance through interpreter or translator services as appropriate must be sought as soon as possible and timing related rights must be preserved while such services are being sought.
Protocols and Procedures for Providing Oral Language Assistance (Interpretation):
Select appropriate method for providing interpretation on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature and importance of the communication, including whether in-person interpretation is necessary for providing meaningful access to programs and services. The following are interpreter resources for consideration:
a. LHA staff – at this time no staff member speaks another language.
b. Community/other resources – The LHA will contact Mediona Language
Services, local colleges, high schools and church organizations to come
Into the office to meet with individuals needing interpretation services.
c. Currently, Mediona Language Services will be used for over-the-phone
interpretation. Useful tips for using interpreter services and further
protocols for telephonic interpretation are provided below.
d. In-Person Assistance: In limited instances where in-person assistance is
necessary to ensure meaningful access and use of bilingual LHA staff is
determined to be insufficient or inappropriate (e.g., due to a conflict of
interest), the LHA may provide qualified in-person interpretation services at no
cost to the LEP individual either through local community organizations such
as local churches, high schools or colleges or through a local vendor such as
Mediona Language Services. The LHA will contact said people to meet with
Individuals needing interpretation services.
Protocols for Using Over-the-Phone Interpretation:
Mediona Language Services will be used at this time.
Additional Protocols for Administrative Staff
1) Utilize staff resources or the service to:
a. Determine the LEP caller’s question or issue.
b. Obtain the LEP caller’s name, contact information, and best times when he or she can be reached.
c. Inform the LEP caller that the appropriate staff person will contact the caller.
2) After the call ends, let the appropriate staff person that would handle the caller’s type of question/issue know that the caller requires follow-up with language interpretation and specify for the staff person the information corresponding to paragraph (1) (a)-(c) above as well as whether the issue appears to be time sensitive.
3) Assist the staff person to utilize
=staff resources or over-the-phone interpretation to follow-up with the LEP caller.
Note: the following are useful tips for utilizing over-the-phone interpreter services:
Protocols and Procedures for Providing Written Language Assistance (Translation):
1) Translation of vital documents:
a. LHA staff – at this time, no staff member can translate vital documents.
b. Community/other resources (e.g., non-profit assistance or inter-agency
partnerships) - The LHA will reach out to individuals in the community
that can help with written translation. This includes translation services,
local high school language teachers, staff at local colleges and local
church organizations.
c. Currently, Mediona Language Services is to be used for written translation.
2) To the extent important documents have yet to be translated, free language assistance terminology translated in other languages must be inserted with the document (see “Attachment C”).
3) For legally binding documents, such as a lease, the translation must be accompanied by a statement in the language of the translated document indicating that the translated document is for informational purposes only and that the English version is considered the legally binding document (see “Attachment D”).
Adopted May 17, 2022
Attachment C: Important Document Notice
This is an important document. Please contact The Lenox Housing Authority at 413-637-5585 for free language assistance.
Este documento es muy importante. Favor de comunicarse con el ____________ en _______________ para ayuda gratis con el idioma. (Spanish)
Este é um documento importante. Entre em contato com o ____________ no número ____________para obter assistência gratuita com o idioma. (Portuguese)
Dokiman sila a enpòtan. Tanpri kontakte ___________ la nan ____________ pou asistans gratis nan lang. (Haitian Creole)
此文件為重要文件。如果您需要免費的語言翻譯幫助,請聯絡____________聯絡方式:____________。 (Chinese, Traditional)
(Chinese, Simplified)
Это весьма важный документ. Свяжитесь с сотрудником ____________ на предмет оказания бесплатной помощи по переводу на иностранный язык (____________). (Russian)
(Phone #)
នេះគឺជាឯកសារសំខាន់។ សូមទំនាក់ទំនង ______________ តាមរយៈ _______________ ដើម្បីទទួលបានជំនួយ ផ្នែកភាសាដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃ។ [Mon-Khmer, Cambodian]
Đây là một tài liệu quan trọng. Vui lòng liên hệ ____________ tại ___________ để được hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí. (Vietnamese)
Kani waa dukumentiyo muhiim ah. Fadlan ____________kala soo xiriir ____________si aad u hesho gargaar xagga luqadda oo bilaash ah. (Somali)
هذه وثيقة مهمة. يرجي الاتصال بــ __________بــ ____________ للمساعدة اللغوية المجانية.
[Phone #] [Agency Name] (Arabic)
Ce document est très important. Veuillez contacter le ____________ au ____________afin d’obtenir une assistance linguistique gratuite. (French)
Il presente è un documento importante. Si prega di contattare il ____________ al ____________per avere assistenza gratuita per la traduzione. (Italian)
This is an important document. Please contact [AGENCY NAME] at [PHONE #] for free language assistance.
Το παρόν έγγραφο είναι σημαντικό. Παρακαλώ εποικωνήστε με την ____________στο τηλέφωνο ____________για δωρεάν γλωσσική βοήθεια. (Greek)
Jest to ważny dokument. Proszę skontaktować się z ____________ pod numerem ____________aby uzyskać bezpłatną pomoc językową. (Polish)
이것은 중요 문서입니다. 무료 언어 지원을 위해서는_____________ ___________ 에 연락하십시오.
これは重要な文書です。無料の言語サービスについては、____________ の ____________までご連絡ください。
Սա կարևոր փաստաթուղթ է։ Խնդրում ենք կապվել ____________ ____________ եզվական ձրի օգնության համար։ (Armenian)
ນີ້ແມ່ນເອກະສານທີ່ສໍາຄັນອັນໜຶ່ງ. ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ກັບ____________ທີ່____________ເພື່ອຂໍຄວາມຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອທາງດ້ານການແປພາສາໂດຍບໍ່ໄດ້ເສຍຄ່າ. (Lao)
Ovo je važan dokumenat. Za besplatnu pomoć vezanu za jezik, molimo vas kontaktirajte ____________ na ____________. (Serbo-Croatian)
یہ ایک اہم دستاویز ہے۔ زبان سے متعلق مفت مدد کیلئے براہ کرم ____________ میں ___________ سے رابطہ کریں۔
આ એક અગત્યનો દસ્તાવેજ છે. કૃપા કરીને મફત ભાષાકીય સહાય માટે ____________પર ____________નો સંપર્ક કરો. [Gujarati]
เอกสารนี้มีความสำคัญ โปรดติดต่อ ___________ ที่ ___________ สำหรับบริการช่วยเหลือด้านภาษาได้ฟรี
این سند مهمی است. لطفا جهت دریافت خدمات رایگان زبان با ___________از طریق _________
تماس حاصل فرمایید.
[Phone #] [Agency Name] (Farsi)
Attachment D: Legal Notice Translation
This document is for informational purposes only. The English version of this document is considered the legally binding document.
Este documento es con el propósito de información solamente. La versión en Inglés de este documento es la que se considera válida legalmente. (Spanish)
Este documento é para fins informativos. Somente a versão em inglês deste documento é considerada um documento legalmente obrigatório. (Portuguese)
Dokiman sila a se pou enfòmasyon sèlman. Se vèsyon angle dokiman sila a nou konsidere antanke dokiman ki angaje devan lalwa. (Haitian Creole)
(Chinese, Traditional)
(Chinese, Simplified)
Этот документ приведен только со справочно-информационными целями. Английский вариант этого документа является юридически обязательным к исполнению. (Russian)
ឯកសារនេះគឺសម្រាប់ជូនជាព័ត៌មមានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ឯកសារនេះជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសត្រូវបានចាត់ទុកជា ឯកសារចងភ្ជាប់កាតព្វកិច្ចតាមផ្លូវច្បាប់។ (Mon-Khmer, Cambodian)
Tài liệu này chỉ nhằm mục đích thông tin. Phiên bản tiếng Anh của tài liệu này được xem là một tài liệu có tính ràng buộc về mặt pháp lý. (Vietnamese)
Dukumentigan waa mid loogu tala galay mid wargelin ahaan oo kaliya. Qeybta ku qoran afka Ingiriiska ee dukumentigan ayaa u taagan dukumentiga sharciga ah. (Somali)
لا يستخدم هذه الوثيقة إلا للأغراض المعلوماتية فحسب. يعتبر الإصدار الإنجليزي لهذه الوثيقة وثيقة ملزمة قانونيا.
Ce document est fourni à titre d’information uniquement. La version anglaise de ce document a caractère obligatoire. (French)
Il presente documento ha esclusivamente scopo informativo. La versione inglese del presente documento è il documento legalmente vincolante. (Italian)
This document is for informational purposes only. The English version of this document is considered the legally binding document.
Το παρόν έγγραφο είναι μόνο πληροφοριακό. Η Αγγλική εκδοχή του θεωρείται νομικά δεσμευτικό έγγραφο. (Greek)
Niniejszy dokument służy wyłącznie celom informacyjnym. Angielska wersja tego dokumentu jest prawnie obowiązująca. (Polish)
이 문서는 정보 제공용입니다. 이 문서의 영문판은 법적 구속을 받는 문서로 간주됩니다. (Korean)
この文書は情報提供のみを目的としたものです。本文書の英語版は法的効力を持つ文書となります。 (Japanese)
Այս փաստաթուղթը տեղեկատվական նպատակների համար է միայն։ Այս փաստաթղթի անգլերեն տարբերակն է համարվում իրավաբանորեն պարտավորեցնող փաստաթուղթ։ (Armenian)
ນີ້ແມ່ນເອກະສານໃຊ້ເພື່ອໃຊ້ໃນຈຸດປະສົງຂອງການໃຫ້ເຂົ້າໃຈຂໍ້ມູນເທົ່ານັ້ນ. ເອກະສານນີ້ທີ່ໃຊ້ເປັນສະບັບຖືກຕ້ອງຕາມກົດໝາຍຈະແມ່ນສະບັບພາສາອັງກິດເທົ່ານັ້ນ. (Lao)
Ovaj dokument služi samo u informativne svrhe. Verzija ovog dokumenta na engleskom jeziku se smatra zakonski obavezujućim dokumentom. (Serbo-Croatian)
یہ دستاویز صرف معلوماتی مقاصد کیلئے ہے۔ اس دستاویز کا انگریزی ورژن قانونی طور پر پابند کرنے والا دستاویز ہے۔
આ દસ્તાવેજ માત્ર માહિતીના હેતુઓ માટે જ છે. આ દસ્તાવેજનું અંગ્રેજી સંસ્કરણ કાનૂની રીતે બાધ્ય દસ્તાવેજ ગણવામાં આવશે. (Gujarati)
เอกสารนี้สำหรับใช้เป็นข้อมูลเท่านั้น ฉบับภาษาอังกฤษของเอกสารนี้ถือเป็นเอกสารที่มีภาระผูกพันตามกฎหมาย
این سند صرفا جهت اطلاع می باشد. تنها نسخه انگلیسی آن از لحاظ قانونی یک سند تعهدآور است.
[1] https://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/10/25/lapdhcd2017.docx
[2] https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2007/01/22/07-217/final-guidance-to-federal-financial-assistance-recipients-regarding-title-vi-prohibition-against; see also https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2007/03/16/E7-4794/final-guidance-to-federal-financial-assistance-recipients-regarding-title-vi-prohibition-against (Update of Web Site Reference)
[3] “I Speak…” Language Identification Flashcards are available in numerous languages from the U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.lep.gov/sites/lep/files/media/document/2020-02/crcl-i-speak-booklet.pdf
[4] HUD guidance indicates that written translation of vital documents for each eligible LEP language group that constitute more than 5% (if > 50) of the eligible population in the market area or among current beneficiaries, or 1,000 of such persons, whichever is less, will constitute strong evidence that reasonable steps have been taken to address written translation needs.
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